Tag: Solidarity

Solidarity action for hiring of IT colleagues by the ECB

On 7 June 2017, IPSO, the International and European Public Services Organisation, together with DGB, the German trade union federation, and EU trade union federations USF and EPSU called for a solidarity action for ECB’s IT staff and temporary agency staff. The objective of the action is to stop the outsourcing of IT services at…
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7. June 2017 0

IPSO ask Merkel and Maas for EPO intervention

IPSO has written to German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel and Minister Heiko Maas to exert their influence in the governance bodies of the European Patent Office with a view to end the unacceptable treatment of staff representatives at the EPO. IPSO cannot accept the firing of elected staff representatives. Please find here below the original…
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27. February 2017 0

IPSO support for EPO colleagues

IPSO expresses support for colleagues at the European Patent Office Office, with Heardquarter in Munich Like many international organisations, the European Patent Office (EPO) has been given full autonomy to determine the legislative framework applicable to its staff. This creates a situation of high concentration of power, leading to risks of abuses.Since the arrival of…
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11. December 2016 0

Solidarity action for long-serving ECB agency staff

Breaking News, Burning issues ECB staff calls for sound staffing and equal pay at the ECB Today, 14 July 2016, upon a call of IPSO, the International and European Public Services Organisation, c. 120 staff of and persons working for the European Central Bank (ECB) gathered for a solidarity action for equal pay and sound…
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14. July 2016 0