IPSO Seminar with Michael Kosinski
On 22 June 2021, during a Webinar organised by IPSO, The Trade Union of the European Central Bank, Professor Michael Kosinski, who has become internationally recognised for his innovative approach in the fields of Computational Social Science, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, presented and discussed with ECB staff members his views and insights into the use of big data analytics and especially the big digital players, whose business model is to analyse users’ behaviour to design consumption influencing approaches targeting at individual users. As Michal explained: “If you do not know the product, you are the product”.
He presented the pros and cons of the widening use of ever more complex algorithms in all spheres of our lives, and showed with practical examples their benefits but also their dangers in influencing people often without them noticing explicitly. A thought-provoking and brilliant demonstration followed by a frank and constructive discussion with ECB staff on data protection, cyber security and respect for privacy.
If you are interested in the slides, please look here.
Artificial Intelligence Big Data cyber security Data protection ECB IPSO Kosinski